We have raging bushfires, terrible air pollution and severe water restrictions. Maybe summer will be ruined. Politicians are incable of taking any action. So collectively not much will change at a policy level. Many people are frustrated by this.
The biggest sources of greenhouse gases:

Source: IPCC (2014)
That doesn’t have to stop you from taking action personally.
Here are 5 easy things you can do to take positive action to reduce your carbon footprint:
- The biggest single source is electricity generation. It’s not necessary to install your own solar panels, all you need to do is call your electricity company and ask them to switch you on to a plan 100% covered by renewable energy. I did this with AGL and it only costs me $65 extra per year for my apartment and $140 per year for the office.
- The second biggest source is agriculture. Reducing consumption of meat can reduce this impact. It’s not easy to go vegan but simply eating smaller portions less often will be healthier for you and the planet.
- The third biggest source is industry. Production of plastic is all around terrible for the environment but it is also one of the biggest uses of oil. Stop using plastic bags and stop buying plastic items.
- Transportation is the fourth biggest source. Wherever practical walk, run, cycle or use public transport and avoid using cars. When flying you can purchase carbon offsets. For domestic flights it is usually less than $5 and for international flights $10-20.
- Superannuation funds collectively invest $1 Trillion into the Australian sharemarket. This is approximately 50% of the total market capital. Call me and I will tell you how to convert your Super to Sustainable Investments so that you are not funding coal mines and other undesirable industries. Without funding, these companies will cease to exist.